Dear members of ReDi,

We would like to invite you on the due date according to our statutes, to the General Assembly of our association on September 8th 2020 from 9:00 to 10:00 CET. In accordance with the decision taken in the preceding year, the main issue on the agenda will be the move of the administrational and legal basis of ReDi from Finland to Belgium

Please note that the invitation is for members who have not yet confirmed the transfer of their membership from the Finnish entity to the Belgian one. The meeting will take place online, and the link for the meeting together with the full agenda will be provided later.


Please find the main points for the meeting below:

  1. Opening of the meeting.
  2. Election of the chairperson, secretary and two inspectors of the minutes.
  3. Recording the legality and quorum of the meeting.
  4. Approval of the rules of procedure.
  5. Presentation of financial statements, the annual report and the Auditor’s report.
  6. Confirmation of new members agreed by the Executive in the preceding year.
  7. Adopting the resolution to approve the financial statements and to relieve the Executive Board and other accountable officers from liability.
  8. Dissolving of association and transfer of assets.


Brussels, 08.06.2020

The Executive Board of ReDi