
ReDi is proud to be a co-host of the first African academic conference with focus on diaconia on 3-5th July 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. ReDi hosts this conference together with the University of Stellenbosch, the University of the Western Cape and the Huguenot College. The conference invites African and international academics and practitioners to reflect on “Diaconia, Community and Development: Exploring New Theories and Practices for Social Justice and Inclusion”. It is still possible to submit abstracts for papers. But you should hurry up. Deadline for abstracts (max 200 words) 15 March 2018. The abstracts are expected to locate themselves within the following thematic tracks:

  1. Community and gender justice;
  2. Community, politics and the state;
  3. Community, environment and sustainability;
  4. Community, economic inequality and poverty;
  5. Community in the context of global South – global North dialogue;
  6. Community, citizenship and civil society;
  7. Community and faith-based organisations.


For submissions and further information, please get in touch with our vice-chair Nadine Bowers Du Toit at